Definition Of Yoga

Yoga is the art of living. It is a knowledge that should be integrated with the daily life of every person because it has a significant impact on all vital aspects including physical, mental and spiritual.
Yoga is a combination of the word yog, which means union. This union in spiritual terms in Sanskrit is the union of pure individual consciousness with the cosmic soul. Yoga creates harmony and balance between body, mind and spirit.

The scientific-practical system of yoga provides this balance through physical exercises, breathing and mudras and energy locks and cleaning and meditation. When the endocrine system is disturbed, the efficiency of this system decreases and the symptoms of the disease are revealed. The goal of yoga is to harmonize and balance the glandular system, which contributes to the health of the body.

Yoga creates harmony and balance between body, mind and spirit.
The scientific-practical system of yoga achieves this balance through physical exercises, eye exercises, mudras and energy locks, and observing and meditating. When the endocrine system is disturbed, this system reduces and cures the disease. The goal of yoga is to harmonize and develop the glandular system, which
contributes to the health of the body.

Yoga History

Yoga is very old and as the main tantra it is more than 10 thousand years old. Most researchers believe that yoga is the link between Aryan and Hindu cultures. Aryan tribes to North India transferred this culture to that system. In the remaining works before and after the Achaemenians, they have come across moral, religious and ideological similarities between Indian and Aryan customs.
In any case, it seems more reasonable that there is an influence of Hindu mysticism from Aryan culture and civilization.

Master Satyananda says, “Yoga is not a hidden treasure in the ruins of history. Yoga is a need, a valuable need for the people of today and the culture and civilization of the future”.

Master Iyengar’s words:
<<“Your body is your temple. Keep it clean and pure for the abode of your soul”.>> Therefore, make your soul pure and pure with the help of yoga.
With the help of yoga, you will get to know your body and mind and enter a new experience of your life.
“Yoga is like a light that turns on once and never goes out. The more you practice, the brighter the flame will be
With the help of yoga, you will become aware of your breathing and you will feel it.
<<“When you breathe in, you receive strength from God, and when you breathe out, it represents the service you offer to the world.
“B.K.S. Ingar”>>

Master Swami Shivananda talks about yoga.

“Yoga is the unity and harmony of thought, speech, deed and action, or the harmony of head, heart and hand that comes while doing yoga exercises.”

Aram Norouzi

Aram Noruzi