Laws about good and pleasant traits and behavior, self-control and abstinence, control and avoidance of evil and pollution.

Yama includes rules related to the possession of pleasant and good qualities. In order to obtain these qualities, qualities such as patience, honesty, self-sacrifice, righteousness, helping others, truthfulness, refraining from giving in to fleeting sexual desires, self-sacrifice Sacrifice, contentment, lack of greed, chastity, non-oppression, etc., by following these human qualities, a person brings unity and freedom to the society and prevents the corruption and destruction of societies, and failure to follow these qualities causes disintegration. And it alienates society from itself and leads it to ruin and destruction moment by moment.
In general, yama means:

  • Ahisma
  • truthfulness (Satya)
  • not stealing (Asteya)
  • Absence of greed (Aparigraha)